Canterbury DHB


Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

In This Section

Standard Allografts


Standard Allografts

The Cyclophosphamide/TBI combination has been used for at least 30 years. Initially TBI was given as a single dose of 12Gy. In later years TBI has been given in a fractionated manner usually over 2-3 days in a total dose of 12-14.4Gy.

The Busulphan/Cyclophosphamide schedule was introduced during the 1980s partly because many units found it difficult to access TBI easily. In general, it has given similar results to Cyclo/TBI at least in myeloid malignancies.


In general RIC SCT for myeloid malignancies at Christchurch is undertaken using the Fludarabine/Melphalan/Alemtuzumab protocol. This is one of the two RIC schedules recommended in UK AML 15. See Blood, Oct 2000; 96:2419-2425.

About this Canterbury DHB document (9165):

Document Owner:

Andrew Butler (see Who's Who)

Last Reviewed:

December 2016

Next Review:

December 2018


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Topic Code: 9165