Canterbury DHB


Outpatient Prescribing

In This Section

Special Authority Numbers / Named Patient Pharmaceutical Assessment (NPPA)

Controlled drugs

All At Once (Stat) Dispensing and Close Controls

Special Authority Numbers / Named Patient Pharmaceutical Assessment (NPPA)

Medication funding in the community is an ever-changing, complex issue. Several agents routinely used in haematology require special approval for funding, mainly due to their cost. These fall into two categories:

Controlled drugs

Class A and B controlled drugs (e.g. morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl) for an outpatient must be prescribed on a triple-copy controlled drug prescription. All 3 copies of the prescription must be presented to pharmacy. Class C controlled drugs (e.g. codeine, lorazepam) may be prescribed on a regular prescription form.

All At Once (Stat) Dispensing and Close Controls

All medicines on the Pharmaceutical Schedule belong to one of two groups:

  1. A group that must be dispensed all at once (stat) for the total amount prescribed unless the prescription is clearly endorsed otherwise.
  2. A group where the total amount dispensed can be no longer than monthly (for a 3-monthly prescription, this means a minimum of 3 dispensings).

Providing the patient is not in a rest home or other care facility, this can be changed. To change the default from stat to multiple dispensing you must:

About this Canterbury DHB document (5709):

Document Owner:

Timothy Vincent (see Who's Who)

Last Reviewed:

March 2020

Next Review:

March 2023


Note: Only the electronic version is controlled. Once printed, this is no longer a controlled document. Disclaimer

Topic Code: 5709