Canterbury DHB


Congenital Platelet Function Defects

Treat platelet disorders with desmopressin, platelet transfusion, or recombinant factor VIIa.

Desmopressin shortens the bleeding time, at least partially, in the majority of patients with mild bleeding disorders secondary to platelet function abnormalities. The mechanism for this effect is unknown and may be due to vessel wall constriction. A therapeutic trial is indicated where possible to determine if an individual patient is desmopressin responsive.

In cases of more severe bleeding, a platelet transfusion may be required. There is some evidence that patients with congenital bleeding disorders respond to recombinant factor VIIa, but do not use this without consulting a haematologist.

About this Canterbury DHB document (5282):

Document Owner:

Sean Macpherson (see Who's Who)

Last Reviewed:

November 2019

Next Review:

November 2022


Note: Only the electronic version is controlled. Once printed, this is no longer a controlled document. Disclaimer

Topic Code: 5282