Collection and Administration of Blood Transfusions
- During laboratory hours at Ashburton, Christchurch Hospital, and Christchurch Women's, red blood cells are issued by laboratory staff on production of Transfusion Form QMR022A, properly completed. At the Princess Margaret and Burwood Hospitals, blood is held in the designated refrigerator.
- When blood is collected, the particulars on the blood product itself (i.e. the patient's full name, patient identification number and group) must be checked against the Blood requisition form QMR022A.
- Blood which has not been properly labelled by Blood Bank staff as suitable for the patient in question must not be taken from the Blood Bank.
The sole exception to this rule is cases of extreme urgency occurring outside laboratory hours when on the direct order of a senior medical officer, blood of Group O Rh negative may be issued, which has not expressly been labelled as suitable for the patient in question. In such cases (which should be rare) the Transfusion Medicine Specialist (NZBS) or his/her deputy must be informed.
Issuing Blood Products to B6
Note: A registered nurse or doctor must sign the Resuspended Red Cells Transfusion Sheet (QMR022A), or the Blood Components / Blood Products Sheet (QMR022B).
- Ensure that the form is correctly labelled with a full patient ID label or completed with the correct details.
- Send the form via the Lamson tube to Blood Bank – Station number 999.
- Blood Bank will send the unit back via the Lamson within 20 mins. If this time is delayed, phone the Blood Bank to check if the blood product has been issued. If the Lamson is faulty, notify Pathology (phone 80301).
Topic Code: 5099