Canterbury DHB


Flowchart: Acute Bleeding in Patients who Decline Blood Products


Page-1 Consider iron, folic acid and potentially vitamin B12... Arrest bleeding Restrict phlebotomy Consider need for oxygen Treat... Intravenous fluids (may need to be warmed) Maximise oxygen... Identify source of bleeding and use interventions as... Supportive care Accelerate erythropoiesis Treat hypovolaemic shock Establish individual’s acceptability to different blood... Establish individual’s acceptability to different blood... Establish individual’s acceptability to different blood... Establish individual’s acceptability to different blood... Acute Bleeding Acute Bleeding Acute Bleeding

Adapted from [8].

About this Canterbury DHB document (47896):

Document Owner:

Julia Czuprynska and Richard Seigne (see Who's Who)

Last Reviewed:

June 2019

Next Review:

June 2022


Note: Only the electronic version is controlled. Once printed, this is no longer a controlled document. Disclaimer

Topic Code: 47896