Canterbury DHB


Haematology Day Ward

In This Section

General Arrangements

Medical Cover for Day Ward

Weekend Laboratory Tests

Haematology Outpatients

General Arrangements

The Haematology Day Ward is located within the Medical Day Ward (MDU). MDU hours of operation are 0730 to 1830, Monday to Friday, and is staffed by Haematology trained Clinical Nurse Specialist and registered nurse with the support of MDU nurses. Patients must be reasonably well and independently ambulatory to be considered for Day Ward care. Appointment times are arranged by the Day Ward staff.

Patients can be referred from the Haematology Outpatients, Transplant Service, or the B6 on discharge as part of their outpatient care. Treatments given in the Day Ward include blood product transfusions, chemotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy, immunoglobulin infusions, leucocyte infusions, and post-transplant care.

Bone marrow aspirates and trephines are usually performed in the Medical Day Unit, where nitrous oxide is available. These include referrals both from Haematology and from other wards and departments in the hospital.

Medical Cover for Day Ward

When medical cover is required in the Day Ward, contact:

  1. Outpatient registrar (ext. 89780 or page 8507).
  2. If outpatient registrar is unavailable, contact the Transplant Registrar (ext. 89780 or page 8316).
  3. If neither are available or in the case of an emergency, contact the Haematologist responsible for the "Hospital Consults".

Any issues concerning transplant patients are to be dealt with by the transplant team.

Weekend Laboratory Tests

When Day Ward weekend outpatients have blood tests, the results will be put on Éclair. Use outpatient labels, not ward labels, on all request forms.

Haematology Outpatients

About this Canterbury DHB document (4638):

Document Owner:

Not assigned (see Who's Who)

Last Reviewed:

November 2019

Next Review:

November 2022


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Topic Code: 4638