Canterbury DHB


May 2017

don't forget to update the issue and next review variables!!!

Changes in this release

Topic or section

Brief description


Drug Usage in Haematology

Fiona Stone

Donor Assessment for Allograft - Standard or RIC

  • We've amended the chest X-ray guidance at step 6.
  • We've updated the 5001 Donor Medical Assessment and 5002 Stem Cell Donor Questionnaire forms.

Andrew Butler / Meghan Heaphy

Drug Usage in Haematology

We've updated the Standing Orders, and removed 0.9% Sodium Chloride Intravenous Saline.

Lizzie Collin

Clinical Procedures

We've updated the sub-topic Samples for Surface Markers, Cytogenetics and Molecular Oncology

Lizzie Collin

About this Canterbury DHB document (384702):

Document Owner:

Not assigned (see Who's Who)

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Note: Only the electronic version is controlled. Once printed, this is no longer a controlled document. Disclaimer

Topic Code: 384702