Canterbury DHB


AML 19

For AML and high risk myelodysplasia age 16–60 or up to 65 if fit enough to be considered for an allogeneic transplant.

In This Section

AML (other than APML) comparisons

AML 19 Trial Information

Remission Criteria

AML (other than APML) comparisons

Induction phase

Randomisation between:


Flowchart for Adult Patients

AML 19 Trial Information

AML 19 is the treatment offered to all patients from 16–60 or up to 65 if fit enough to be considered for an allogeneic transplant. Many patients over the age of 60 find it too intensive and it is preferable to use a less intensive regimen. For patients not being entered into (the patients less than 60 who opt not to be entered into AML 19), DA 3+10 or Flag Ida would usually be used.

Please consult the trial protocol before entering patients into this study.

Inclusion criteria for the AML19 trial

Exclusion criteria for the AML19 trial


Information required at first randomisation

In the first screen once you have logged on, enter the following patient details:

Remission Criteria

Follow-up Bone Marrows

Eighteen to 21 days after the end of course 1, carry out a bone marrow aspirate to assess remission status:

Minimal Residual Disease

This is monitored after cycle 1 and cycle 2 by either:

The transport of both types of samples is organised by the Molecular Oncology Lab (Geraldine Duncan or Kym Drake – 86008). If in doubt as to what should be collected, contact the them or Helen McDermott because they have the spreadsheet detailed with all the patient's relevant results and which samples need to be sent.

If there is a molecular marker, then the Guys lab is happy to continue monitoring on a 3-monthly basis as required for 36 months free of charge.

Request cytogenetics if there is sufficient material with the remission marrow if there was an abnormal cytogenetic result at diagnosis.

Definitions of Complete Remission, Partial Remission, and Resistant Disease:

About this Canterbury DHB document (32083):

Document Owner:

Blake Hsu (see Who's Who)

Last Reviewed:

April 2021

Next Review:

April 2023


Note: Only the electronic version is controlled. Once printed, this is no longer a controlled document. Disclaimer

Topic Code: 32083